Skrivet 2012-08-23 Klockan 19:55:19

I did pretty good at tennis practise today! It was hot but nice and I actually have a tan now, pretty amazing. But I guess that's what you'll get for being out in the sun 3 hours per day...
I don't have anything planned for today, more than a evening practise for 1 and half hour at 18:00. So I have 4 hours to chill and that feels good! I might join my sister who is sleeping on the couch with the dog. Tomorrow will be a great day I think, after practise are we going to a "poolparty" at Kaylee's house, she's from the tennis team! So I will take a lot of pictures tomorrow, be prepared for a photo bomb!
Take care,

Postat av: Moster Marita

Skrivet 2012-08-23 Klockan 21:48:10
Now youre talking, Pool parties sounds familiar:)

Svar: Hahaha, I think that the pool parties that you were going to, were a little bit different, your party girl! :)

Postat av: mamma

Skrivet 2012-08-24 Klockan 06:25:38
Ny bränna och poolparty- bättre kan det inte bli :)

Svar: haha, well I got a tennis tan... From the skirt and shoes and also on the back because of the tank tops... haha! :)

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