Chicken BBQ

Skrivet 2012-08-24 Klockan 04:29:09

The chicken BBQ is soon here. On Saturday already. That's the only thing that Lee (host dad) has been talking about since I got here, haha! It's for the tennis team so that we can go on trips ans stuff, we will also have a car wash some time in September, I think it will be around the 8th!

I am having so much fun here and I really like it. I mean I've got the sister that I always wanted, I am living the american life, I am playing tennis - which I enjoy a lot! It feels so good when I can see myself getting better at it, even though that it's not all about being great. I got to tell you guys that I love the american houses, how thet are built and the drive ways, I have this picture in my head on how I want my house to look like if I ever will be able to design my own house... Haha!
Have a great day, I'm saying good night!

Postat av: mamma

Skrivet 2012-08-24 Klockan 10:18:44
Kanon Josse - njut !!!!:)(finns mejl till dig) Kramis :)

Svar: I know, I kind of not have time right now, to answere, but I will soon! kram :)

Postat av: Simon

Skrivet 2012-08-24 Klockan 11:04:44
Fyyy vad glad jag blir och höra att du har det grymt! Säger som Carina, Njut!! Love ya !:)<3

Svar: I'm happy for that too! :) I hope that you are having a great time at home too? :) Love you <3

Postat av: Simon

Skrivet 2012-08-25 Klockan 23:38:28
Jag har det bra bebbe !;) <3 Lite tråkigt utan dig dock men det annars är det bra:D Tagga inför skolan nu älskling! puss <3

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