Secound day

Skrivet 2012-08-29 Klockan 04:21:13

This day was better than yesterday - I didn't get lost! Haha, and I also got some "friends" if I can call them that already. Lunch was fun, I sat with some tennis girls and had lots of fun!
We had to leave early today because of the tennis match (the real season started today! I played my first matches, it ditn't go so well, but I had fun) over in Hemphfield (an other school), and I can tell you that that school was NOT small, at all! It was like 20 school buses lined up, ready for taking the kids home and many of them drove cars too, C-RAZY.
I got to go, I'll try to write tomorrow as well!
By the way, tomorrow's pictures day so I got to dress up!

Postat av: Sajmon

Skrivet 2012-08-29 Klockan 07:28:57
Du är grym! Kick ASS på alla tennismatcher nu bebbe!:)<3 love ya ;)<3

Svar: jag vann min första dubbel idag! :) feels so good! :D älskar dig! :) <3

Postat av: Medin

Skrivet 2012-08-29 Klockan 08:36:12
have you taken some more pictures like of the house, the school or of the town? :) update Josef I wanna' see everything! :D <3

Svar: I will, maybe I'll do it tomorrow! :) I'll try to remember it! ;) <3

Postat av: mamma

Skrivet 2012-08-30 Klockan 22:35:29
Snälla, kolla din mobil-gäller din laptop ! Kramis <3

Svar: done it! :) <3

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