
Skrivet 2012-08-14 Klockan 23:30:45

***I'm sitting on the host family's computer right now so I can't write in swedish but hopefully you can like translate it so that people understand, so mom, tell grandma and grandpa can read this is they want to, they just have to go to google translate and like copy this text and then paste it in the translate box and they will probably get it right!***
Okay, so I was going to school this morning to set my scheduel for school. So when we got there (the school was amazing, and huge! I love it already) we said to the receptionist that we had a meeting at 8 o'clock and she told us that we had been double booked... So that was kind of sad... We got an other time on thursday, 7:15 - early huh? haha - so we are going to set all my classes then instead. So now you know mom! :)

I miss you all back home, take care of each other and we'll talk soon! I'm going to a tennis meeting now, so have a great sleep! <3

Postat av: Pappa och mamma

Skrivet 2012-08-14 Klockan 23:43:41
Det är bara att klicka på kommentarer under inlägget -så översätts det automatiskt ! Kanon att skolan var så bra !Lycka till på tennis mötet ! Kramis !(haha,ingen skönhetssömn på Torsdag)

Svar: nejmen så bra då! säg det till mormor och morfar då! :D det gick bra! haha nej inte dirket... :/

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