Golden dollar

Skrivet 2012-10-02 Klockan 04:25:59

Hey guys!
I do not know if you like me - without the knowing of that there are golden 1 dollar coins here! It is true. I will show you that right know!
Information about my life: School is working out great, had some troubles in the beguinning with Spanish (all of the translations made me confused. Spanish - Swedish - English, I still only know some words translated to Swedish and not English) but it is better know, I think I have a B+ at the moment which is almost an A (obviosly)! My Painting Class is working out better than I thought it would do! I have never even worked with colors, and definetly not watercolors... But I actually got a whole Still Life picture down on the paper and my teacher said that he liked it, which is good! Same with Drawing Class, he likes my stuff there too so it feels good! Math is going well to, believe it or not! I think I have an A in that class!! How sick is that?? Math? Well, I am having a test tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.
On Monday, we are having a day off from school because of Columbus Day, I like that! So Ligia (the other exchange student) and I are going shopping for Homecoming shoes! I am looking forward to that! Speaking of Homecoming, I friend of mine asked me today if I wanted to go with him, so I said yes. I finally have a date, and he is tall enough for me to wear heals.
Yesterday we went to Hershey Park. It is like an amusement park, kind of like Liseberg! We went on rollercoasters and we saw how chocolate are made and so on. I really enjoyed it! I do not have any pictures of it at the moment... but I will upload them as soon as possible! I did buy a sweater though and I do have a picture of it that I can show to you.
Comfortable or what? I love it, and I am actually wearing it now!
I hope that you, by reading this, made you know a little more about how I am doing and so on! I hope that you are having a great time and a great day!

Postat av: mamma

Skrivet 2012-10-02 Klockan 12:53:06
Vad kul att du ska shoppa med en annan utbytes, kanske det blir grymma high heals?:)
Fattar att det blir lite konstigt med språken,hihi...Grymt med matten :) Kramis <3

Postat av: pappa

Skrivet 2012-10-02 Klockan 21:29:35
Häftigt med matten! :) Hoppas chokladen är lika god som hemma?
Ha det bäst:) Kram

Postat av: Marita

Skrivet 2012-10-03 Klockan 17:30:14
Vad kul att det går så bra i skolan, Will done, proud of you!!!!!! Hershey kisses är yummie! Kul att du har någon att gå med! Kramar i masssor

Svar: Har du atit Hersey kisses?? they are soooo good! Kramaar!

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