She made the front page

Skrivet 2012-09-07 Klockan 04:13:39

Yeah, well, the picture speaks for it self! Brittany made the front page, doesn't she look like a profesional tennis player?! That's my host sister, proud over here!
Tennis and homework have pretty much occupied my life the last days so I have not been quite good at writing here or in my diary... But it is soon weekend and hopefully I will upload some nice and new photos! Just because my life is all about school right now I am going to show you all my binder... Haha, as boring as it could get, but that's about all I can show you right now.

I am just going to do my last homework before I go to bed, talk to you soon!
Have a great day!

Postat av: mamma

Skrivet 2012-09-07 Klockan 06:32:18
Vad fräckt ! Hälsa B :)Nästa gång är det du på front page :)(kolla mobilen )massor med kramar <3

Postat av: Simon

Skrivet 2012-09-07 Klockan 07:41:52
Läxor? This is not what i signed Up for ?! ;) hahha;)
Varför var brittany på framsidan?:)
Älskar dig !;)<3

Svar: Hahaha, my homwork is easy at the moment... ;) They are very serious about their sports around here, especially the High Schools' sports! And it was tennis time :D
Love you too! :) <3

Postat av: Lotta

Skrivet 2012-09-08 Klockan 00:32:27
oj oj oj.... Ser ut att vara tjockt att göra i skolan !!! Du e duktig du , Josse.
E hon riktigt duktig i tennis, Brittany, eller?
Ha det så bra! Elton hälsar !!
Kram Lotta

Svar: Det e inte sa mycket jut nu, men det kommer antar jag ;) Ja, hon e duktig hon! Hon spelar nr 1 i laget :)
Klappa Elton fran mig! :D

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