
Skrivet 2013-04-13 Klockan 04:44:40

Tomorrow is a pretty big day... I never thought that I was gonna be a part of something like this before... Until today, when I saw my name on the list of competers for the invitational. This means that the top athletes in every event are selected to compete in a meet against a lot of schools, not just around here, I heard that last year there were a school from an onther state competing here. Which is kind of scary, but still exciting! So that is what my day starts with tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning. I am in third place in discus, that I will be competing in. I did not think that I threw far enough to be able to compete in the meet so I was very surpriced when I saw my name on the list today.
Honestly, I was so sure that I was not gonna compete that I did not even look at first and then some of the girls asked me if I was going. I said that I will probably come and watch and cheer for them, and they asked, why aren't you competing? And I was like: Well I'm not on the list... But then they started to freak out and telling me that I was on it but I didn't believe them of course. So they forced me to go look at the list and there it was, the longest name on the list: Josefine Svensson Franzen! 
Haha it was pretty cool and I got all excited and ran up to Ryan (a friend at the throwing team) and Ricardo (my promdate) to tell them the news and they got excited for me. They both are competing tomorrow as well! 
I'm going to bed now so that I can do my best tomorrow! Good night! 

Postat av: Simon

Skrivet 2013-04-13 Klockan 08:52:37
Så sjukt bra är du va!:) Stolt igen!!:)<3,love u!<3

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