Me, Myself, and I

Skrivet 2013-04-12 Klockan 04:33:23

Self portrait of myself, not good quality picture, but I hope you can see some of it.  
As you might remember, Mr. Huck gave me that medallion I was talking about last month. He was my drawing teacher last semester which I enjoyed very much! He is a really nice, funny, and kind person. His wife had cancer and he struggled a lot with that the whole time as I had him. On Easter this year, she passed away. It is so sad to think about how hard it must be for him to lose his only family. He invited me to go to the service tomorrow (Friday) and I'm going there right after practice I think. This drawing is now my gift to him from me (when it gets finished, of course) instead of just an boring picture. So far, I have spent a lot
of hours on it, even though I'm not very satisfied with how it looks, but hopefully it will get better when it's done!!
I'm saying goodnight now, have a good day!

Postat av: mamma o pappa

Skrivet 2013-04-12 Klockan 07:15:18
Vad fint av mr Huck att du är medbjuden !
Blir nog glad för ditt fina porträtt :)

Postat av: Simon

Skrivet 2013-04-12 Klockan 08:16:21
Stolt över dig!!<3 Kyssar:)<3

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