Tennis on Friday

Skrivet 2013-04-24 Klockan 03:11:30

This coming Friday, all the girls from the tennis team is coming over for a movienight and dinner out at Applebee's! I'm soo excited to meet them all again, it's been such a long time since we all hung out together so I'm really looking forward to it. I was looking through some of the pictures from the tennis season and I realized how great that time really was. The girls on the team are so great and it was a great experience to play tennis with them!

Postat av: mamma

Skrivet 2013-04-24 Klockan 09:08:43
Ha' så kul på Fredag :) Kramis <3

Postat av: mormor & morfar

Skrivet 2013-04-30 Klockan 18:17:16
vi tänker på dig kram mormor & morfar

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