Skrivet 2013-03-30 Klockan 23:40:08
I am so happy that I bought this camera, it takes sooo pretty pictures!!

Nu ska jag ut och fota lite tror jag!
Skrivet 2013-03-30 Klockan 22:49:19
Today I watched a movie called The Host! It was amazing, I read the book two years ago and have been waiting for it to become a movie ever since! It was Brittany, J.P., Ricardo and I that went to see it.

Today is an amazing day outside! It is warm and the feeling of spring is in the air! I have my jean jacket on with my white Converse which makes everything a lot better!! I really want the spring to come now, I'm tired of cold and rainy weather... It's time to feel warmth again!

If only I could be this tan now...

Skrivet 2013-03-28 Klockan 03:03:00
On Monday night, Brittany and I went on a Carrie Underwood and Hunter Hayes concert! It was soo amazing!!

Awesome night!!
This was what I was wearing a day like this! ;)

This is how all the new clothes looked on me:

Skrivet 2013-03-25 Klockan 01:31:27

I went shopping today and ended up with a skirt (first picture), a pair of shorts (second pitcure), and loose pants that matches my heals! Fun day today!
Skrivet 2013-03-23 Klockan 03:03:50
I competed today. I didn't score any points, but I beat my personal record in shotput which made me really happy. Discus went well, I was 5 feet away from beating my record but it wasn't quite enough today... But next time - I'LL BEAT IT!
It's now 22:00 and I am going to bed, exhausted and ready for a night with a good sleep!
Tomorrow is it a new day with a lot of reading, I do look forward to it! Good night!
Tomorrow is it a new day with a lot of reading, I do look forward to it! Good night!
By the way, I bought the new Twilight movie: Breaking Dawn, Part 2! I LOVE IT!!

J.P. & Brittany
Skrivet 2013-03-22 Klockan 00:03:03

This was on Sunday, J.P. was asking Brittany to be his promdate and girlfriend! How cute?! We had like scetches put together and everything!! So nice!
Skrivet 2013-03-21 Klockan 23:23:59

This is how I feel at the moment! I'm sick, I just got back from a cooooold, windy, and awful practice, yuck!
Tomorrow is the first "meet" against another school so I'm a little excited, even though it's gonna be colder than today.. Hopefully today didn't make my cold worse though, 'cause I want to compete tomorrow.
Even though it was cold and all of that at practice, I still had a lot of fun. I was teaching everyone on the varsity team Swedish! It was so funny to hear them walk around and speak Swedish to each other! I taught them all the important stuff: I love you; I'm Swedish, and so on.... Even my caoch started to speak som Swedish! Oh, by the way, our warm up today was awesome! When we stretch in the beguinning, we count to 20 and than switch legs or whatever, but today we counted in all different languages! German, English, Spanish, Swedish, Chinease, Russian, Britsh English, New Yorker accent, and South accent! So hilarious!
Fun day, even though it was freezing! I soon hafe to get going with my homework... Boring...! Haha!
Fun day, even though it was freezing! I soon hafe to get going with my homework... Boring...! Haha!
Skrivet 2013-03-16 Klockan 16:25:00
Yesterday was a really nice practice! We were measuring how far we throw so that the coaches can decide were to put us in a rank. Shot put didn't go so well as I had hoped, I think I was pretty nervous of the measurements that was going on... I think I only got like 7 meters. But still, I think I was like ranked as number 4 out of 9. Discus went better than I expected. Usually I have been throwing around maybe 40 feet (I don't know what that is in meters, but not good at least) and the two last days we have been inside to practice techniques. So yesterday I threw 58 feet from power (stilla), and 79,9 feet from "south African" (snurra runt)!! My coach gave me a high five and said at the end of the practice, when we all were in a circle, he said: Wow! Josie really stepped up today, very good!
And my teammates said the same thing! I was so happy :D I think I got ranked like 3d place!
And my teammates said the same thing! I was so happy :D I think I got ranked like 3d place!
We are soon going to Pottstown to see Nina's musical! I'm excited!!
Skrivet 2013-03-11 Klockan 03:13:29

Skrivet 2013-03-03 Klockan 02:43:43
Today was the first time in a loooooong time that I played tennis! It was so much fun, but I realized how much I had forgotten..! Not good... It was really nice to be out on the courts again though.
You might be wondering why I am typing in English but my computer broke down so I can't use it at the moment... Hopefully we can fix it soon. So in the closer future, I'm gonna be writing on the Smith's computer - in English.