Stormen Sandy har ställt till med problem. Fick ett mail från min områdesrepresentant och så här såg det ut:
Hi Everyone,
An update and a request.
As of today, October 31, the Fall Trip WILL depart on time. It is confirmed that we will be going to Washington DC and Philadelphia.
At this time, I cannot confirm if the trip will continue to New York City. The safety of the students will be our primary concern when the final decision is made. The final decision may not be made until Tuesday night, November 6, when we are scheduled to depart Philadelphia for New York. A lot can happen in a week and we will be watching the progress New York is making to return to normal, or as close to normal as they can. If we have to make changes to our schedule/mode of transportation on/off the island of Manhattan and can do so safely, we will still be going to New York.
Usch! Blir så ledsen... Kanske inte får åka till New York City längre! :( Blir sååååå irriterad. Naturkatastofer - vad ska vi göra med dem? ...;)
Igår kväll satt hela familjen och kollade på the Shining, ni vet den läskiga filmen om den mentalsjuka mannen som är med sin familj i ett hotell över vintern när dem har det stängt. I slutet av filmen när det börjar bli som läskigast, man sitter där och är spänd över hur allt kommer sluta och då, helt plötsligt, så slås ytterdörren upp! Jag och Brittany skrek och pulsen gick upp i 250, Lisa sprang upp och låste dörren medan Brittany och jag var helt fastfrusna. HUR LÄSKIGT VA DET ELLER?! Hur läskigt som helst. Fattar ni hur stark viden från stormen va igår eller? Det öppnade en yttedörr! Läskigt.
Jahopp, idag har vi ledigt från skolan på grund av Sandy the Hurricane (varför döps de flesta oväder till tjejnamn...? Ganska diskrimenerande faktiskt, enligt mig) och regnet det bara öser ner och smattrar mot fönstrena. Det blåser och har sig och man kan inte öppna dörren innan man blir dränkt av regnet. Vi kommer vara borta från skolan idag, imorgon och kanske på onsdag. This is CRAZY! Jag vill bara att strömmen ska hålla i sig så att jag kan kolla på film och så vidare... Menmen, strömavbrott är i och för sig rätt mysigt när jag tänker efter, haha.
HHär kan du se och följa vädret för stormen Sandy... Det verkar som att den kommer att komma till oss, men inte lika hårt som New York. Känns lite läskigt att vara med om detta, men vi är väl förberedda! Lee (hostpappa) snackade med Brittany och mig idag om vart vi skulle gå om taket flyger av - källaren. Det finns varken mjölk, bröd eller ägg kvar i äffarerna, alla gör sig förberedda runt omkring.
Igår så åkte vi för att köpa lite scrapbooking saker till mig! Jag använde presentpengar som jag hade fått från Lotta och Mats, Brittanys mormor och från vänner. TACK SÅ MYCKET! :D
Gosigaste kläderna, skulle kunna bo i dem hela tiden!
Vill bara berätta att i målar kursen så håller vi på med något riktigt kul, självporträtt med valfri stil! Såklart valde jag afrikanskt med lite hintar av forna Australien (aboriginer). Haha, det ska bli så himla spännande att se hur det slutar, men jag har tusen ideér som poppar upp hela tiden för det här projektet! SO EXCITED.
We went to a farm today, with the exchange program and I milked my first cow! Haha, I also held a chicken and fell in love with a little kitten! It was sooo adorable!
The other day, Justin and I went to go spotting some animals. What that means is that you go with the car when it is dark outside, bring a big flashlight and flash open fields for deers and other wild animals! It was so much fun I actually got some good pictures.
Yesterday Ayne, Brittany and I went to see a movie at a movie theatre! We saw Pitch Perfect, it is such a good movie, I love it! Haha, omg, it's so funny!
Yep, it is finally fixed! But the thing is that my hardware crashed, which means that I don't have anything on it... I don't have Microsoft Words, Power Point or anything. He could save my pictures still though, which is great! Those are the ones that are most important to me.
For me, my birthday was history... But not for my friends! Yesterday they throw me a Surprise Party! I was so unprepared so I did not know what to do from where I was standing, in my sweat pants and t-shirt! Haha, it was so much fun!!
Hey! I just wanted to let you guys know that I am reading all of your comments but I don't have time to answere them :( But I love reading them! Tomorrow is the Homecoming Dance, (som en mindre bal i Sverige) and I am looking forward to it! I just got my nails done, haha!
This morning we got breakfast at McDonald's as I said and I kind of messed up with my order. I wanted three hot pancakes, but instead I got three containers with three hot pancakes in each of them... Hm... I'm such a Swede, huh? haha!
When I got back from school today, something special was lying in the mailbox with my name on it... It was a gift from Simon, Lotta, Mats and Elton! My favorite candy was in there - A LOT of it too! -, a cute 2 page letter from Simon and a Happy Birthday card that sings "Ja ma du leva" from Lotta, Mats and Elton! Thank you for the money, you did not have to do that, but I will spend it on something special! :)
I am writing my speech at the moment, for the Tennis Banquet on Monday. I am going to be sooo nervous! (the tennis banquet is a dinner with all of the tennis players and their friends and family)
I am going to bed now, tomorrow morning, around 6:45, we're going for Mc'Breakfast! So I got to get some sleep, good night!
I got a lot of gratulations today, on facebook and in school! Ligia put a note on my locker, so cute! Haha, I got a box sent from my family, a lot of nice things in there! Thank you soo much for everything, Marita for the candy - God I missed that ;) Brittany likes it too! Grandma and grandpa - thanks for the nice shirt and the note! Mom, dad and Adde, thanks again!
Good night, I'm exhausted! Haha, thank you for everything!
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know about some things that is coming up before the year of 2013 is starting!
Tomorrow, 10/10: MY BIRTHDAY! This will be the first time that I will spend a birthday in an other country! Wohoo! We are going to eat smorgordsboard at Shady Maple!
Friday, 12/10: Homecoming Game.
Saturday, 13/10: HOMECOMING DANCE! Mt first and only homecoming dance!
Sunday, 21/10: Harvest Party. It's time to milk some cows!
Saturday, 3/11: Fall trip to NYC, DC, and Phillies for a week!
Saturday, 1/12: New York trip with Brittany and Lisa for a day!
Thursday, 6/12: Lee's B-day! And we are going to DISNEY WORLD in ORLANDO for 1 WEEK!
Tuesday, 25/12: American Christmas Celebration!
It is a lot that is coming up! And I am looking forward too it! Tomorrow is my B-Day!!
Here I am, this is me, I come to this world so wild and free. Here I am, so young and strong, right here in the place where I belong. It's a new world. It's a new start. It's alive with the beating of a young heart. It's a new day, in a new land and it's waiting for me.
Hey guys! I do not know if you like me - without the knowing of that there are golden 1 dollar coins here! It is true. I will show you that right know!
Information about my life: School is working out great, had some troubles in the beguinning with Spanish (all of the translations made me confused. Spanish - Swedish - English, I still only know some words translated to Swedish and not English) but it is better know, I think I have a B+ at the moment which is almost an A (obviosly)! My Painting Class is working out better than I thought it would do! I have never even worked with colors, and definetly not watercolors... But I actually got a whole Still Life picture down on the paper and my teacher said that he liked it, which is good! Same with Drawing Class, he likes my stuff there too so it feels good! Math is going well to, believe it or not! I think I have an A in that class!! How sick is that?? Math? Well, I am having a test tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.
On Monday, we are having a day off from school because of Columbus Day, I like that! So Ligia (the other exchange student) and I are going shopping for Homecoming shoes! I am looking forward to that! Speaking of Homecoming, I friend of mine asked me today if I wanted to go with him, so I said yes. I finally have a date, and he is tall enough for me to wear heals.
Yesterday we went to Hershey Park. It is like an amusement park, kind of like Liseberg! We went on rollercoasters and we saw how chocolate are made and so on. I really enjoyed it! I do not have any pictures of it at the moment... but I will upload them as soon as possible! I did buy a sweater though and I do have a picture of it that I can show to you.
Comfortable or what? I love it, and I am actually wearing it now!
I hope that you, by reading this, made you know a little more about how I am doing and so on! I hope that you are having a great time and a great day! Goodnight