Pick on a Senior

Skrivet 2013-05-03 Klockan 22:59:08

We have a thing called Pick on a Senior-day, which means that any person that is not a senior (tredjeklassare) can buy you like their "slave" and make you wear a weird outfit and so on... I actually picked mine out myself, but my buyer made me do all this crazy things in school today! I hugged about 5 people I have never talk to before, I pretended to wipe things off of people's faces, I walked in to doors and walls and fell down the stairs as well! I had soooo much fun! I loved this!! 
A lot of people thought that I had a really great outfit, which was nice to hear.
I'm soon off to Lancaster for a art show, it'll be fun I hope!

Postat av: Lotta

Skrivet 2013-05-04 Klockan 10:22:28

Postat av: Medin<3

Skrivet 2013-05-04 Klockan 20:07:21
hahahh sjukt bra!

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