Green Dragon

Skrivet 2012-08-31 Klockan 22:11:43

This is a thing called Green Dragon and it takes place in Ephrata every Friday and the sell all kinds of stuff.
And the pretsles are amazing!

Our new tennis t-shirts!

Photos of memorable moments

Skrivet 2012-08-31 Klockan 19:18:57

Days that I will always remember!

First scrimmage day of my life ↑

First match at home ↑↓

The american flag on the football coart!
The sleepover, we are dancing to Just Dance on Wii!

Today - quick

Skrivet 2012-08-31 Klockan 05:49:57

Well I don't have any new pictures at this very moment but I will upload some tomorrow I hope...!
After the match today (we actually won with 7-0, which means thatwe won all the matches!) we went to the football coart where all of the althletes and their team names was yelled out by a speaker man so that the audience applaud to every one, pretty amazing!
Brittany and the other captain of the tennis team hold a speech (all teams did that) and in the end of the speech they said that we have a exchange student on the team, my face turned more than red... Haha, but it was very sweet of them to think of me though! :) There was also a bonfire, which I took some photos on, so hopefully I will upload them tomorrow!

Sorry for this long post, but that was pretty much my day! Tomorrow will I try to fix my broken computer and I really hope that it will work after it!
Have a great day

Secound day

Skrivet 2012-08-29 Klockan 04:21:13

This day was better than yesterday - I didn't get lost! Haha, and I also got some "friends" if I can call them that already. Lunch was fun, I sat with some tennis girls and had lots of fun!
We had to leave early today because of the tennis match (the real season started today! I played my first matches, it ditn't go so well, but I had fun) over in Hemphfield (an other school), and I can tell you that that school was NOT small, at all! It was like 20 school buses lined up, ready for taking the kids home and many of them drove cars too, C-RAZY.
I got to go, I'll try to write tomorrow as well!
By the way, tomorrow's pictures day so I got to dress up!

First day of school

Skrivet 2012-08-28 Klockan 04:03:45

That is the word that I can discribe the first day of school with, and also the word confusing. Everything is so different! And big. I actually got lost today when I was going to one of my classes, haha. The teachers were very kind and helpful and wanted to know all about Sweden and my face went bright red every time, talking english just makes everything so awkward... Probably because I'm not so confident about it yet. But the school day was great though, met some new people and I have 2 classes with a guy - Cody I think his name was - and that feels good because I might be good friends with him.
This was my day:
  1. 7:30 - school starts with Cafe Homeroom and we got some papers that the parents should sign for us.
  2. 8:00 (it should be 7:45 but it was delayed...) - Spanish, the teacher spoke only in spanish... Gosh.
  3. 8:40 - Intro to statistic (math...)
  4. 9:35 - American History, I met the other exchange student there, she was from Brasil and seemed nice!
  5. 10:30 - Enviormental Science, AWESOME teacher!
  6. 11:25 - Lunch, that was not fun. I didn't know where to sit at first because I didn't know anyone, but then I met one of Brittany's friends so I sat with her.
  7. 11:55 - Composition, liked the teacher and he seemed to like Sweden too which feels great.
  8. 12:50 - Intro to Painting, not really my strongest way of art but I like it.
  9. 13:45 - Intro to Drawing, SOOO much FUN! I love it already!
  10. 14:35 - End of school day!
  11. 15:15 - Tennis practise, the coach told me that I had improved a lot since I got here and he thinks that I will keep climbing, which I have, I climbed to a higher spot on the rank of the tennis players!

So as you might see, I am pretty exhausted after this long day but I wanted to tell you guys how my first day was! I hope you are sleeping well and I will try to write as soon as possible again! Good night!


Everything and nothing

Skrivet 2012-08-25 Klockan 03:57:00


Chicken BBQ

Skrivet 2012-08-24 Klockan 04:29:09

The chicken BBQ is soon here. On Saturday already. That's the only thing that Lee (host dad) has been talking about since I got here, haha! It's for the tennis team so that we can go on trips ans stuff, we will also have a car wash some time in September, I think it will be around the 8th!

I am having so much fun here and I really like it. I mean I've got the sister that I always wanted, I am living the american life, I am playing tennis - which I enjoy a lot! It feels so good when I can see myself getting better at it, even though that it's not all about being great. I got to tell you guys that I love the american houses, how thet are built and the drive ways, I have this picture in my head on how I want my house to look like if I ever will be able to design my own house... Haha!
Have a great day, I'm saying good night!


Skrivet 2012-08-23 Klockan 19:55:19

I did pretty good at tennis practise today! It was hot but nice and I actually have a tan now, pretty amazing. But I guess that's what you'll get for being out in the sun 3 hours per day...
I don't have anything planned for today, more than a evening practise for 1 and half hour at 18:00. So I have 4 hours to chill and that feels good! I might join my sister who is sleeping on the couch with the dog. Tomorrow will be a great day I think, after practise are we going to a "poolparty" at Kaylee's house, she's from the tennis team! So I will take a lot of pictures tomorrow, be prepared for a photo bomb!
Take care,


Skrivet 2012-08-23 Klockan 04:08:02

Today has been a great day, the tennis practise went well, Brittany was my teacher for a while and teached me how to improve my survs. It helped me a lot, she's a good teacher!
Tired as we were, Brittany, Morgan and I went to the mall to get some stuff for school on Monday. It's a huge mall with a lot of stores like Hollister, A&F, Victoria's Secret and many more, they also have a heavenly pretsle store there and while we were sitting down and eating a man walks by, with a blue shirt with a yellow word saying: STOCKHOLM. How awesome is that?! In Lancaster County, at the mall, I see a man wearing a swedish shirt, I wanted to go up to him and speak Swedish or something. Haha.
That was pretty much my day, I am so tired now and it's just a little after 10 o'clock.
I miss you all back home! Have a great day and dream big.
Bed - here I come!

School bus

Skrivet 2012-08-22 Klockan 04:56:00

My first school bus ride! It took us to the school that we were playing tennis against today. Even though that it was awesome, I'm still happy that I don't have to ride with it to school every day...
Foggy morning, brr... 


Skrivet 2012-08-21 Klockan 23:35:12

My laptop is broken... I can not go on internet. So I am using the family's computer, which only has a english keyboard.
Yesterday was kind of busy, I played tennis in the morning and we got our pictures taken for the local newspaper and then individual photos to keep to our selfs. Brittany, Morgan and I went to the Dollar Store and got some stuff for school, EVERYTHING in that store was for 1 dollar. At 19:00 Brittany and I got to a photo studio to get our year book pictures taken, that was fun! I have been working on a sign for the tennis team, we are having a Chicken BBQ and a car wash to earn some money for the team.
I won my first set at tennis today! Felt good. 
I can't upload photos today, but I will as soon as possible!
Love, Josie

Första matchen

Skrivet 2012-08-18 Klockan 20:44:42

Min första tennismatch mot en annan skola. Eller ja, ett set spelade jag, i dubbel så en rktigt match var det ju inte. Det gick okej, det var andra gången jag spela dubbel så jag det kändes bättre idag än igår. Vi förlorade med 2-6 men jag fick in några bra bollar och survar så det kändes gött liksom. Dem som vi spelade var från en annan skola och ena tjejen var en utbytesstudet - från Sverige! Så vi snackade lite svenska och det verkar som om att vi ska på utflykter ihop till New York och Phiadelphia tillsammans med några andra utbytesstuder! Kul, kul! Vi ska äta lite morötter och selleri nu, Brittany lär sig hur man skalar morötter! Good girl!


Skrivet 2012-08-17 Klockan 14:34:46

Nu ska jag till tennisträningen! Tre timmar!

My first american mail

Skrivet 2012-08-16 Klockan 22:23:34

Fick mitt första brev igår. Nu känner man sig ännumer som hemma!
Idag blir den första dagen som jag ska få spela tennis med laget! Lite läskigt men kul också såklart, första träningsmatchen är redan på lördag så jag måste träna på nu innan dess... Två dagar... Menmen, bättre än inget!


Skrivet 2012-08-15 Klockan 21:24:53

Varsågod! Nu är det bara att fråga på! Hur mycket som helst fram till onsdag nästa vecka! Kommentera detta inlägget med frågor så svarar jag på dem sen.
Horse and buggy!

American food

Skrivet 2012-08-15 Klockan 20:22:09

Igår så åt jag min första amerikanska pizza! Det smakade precis som hemma i Sverige så inget nytt där... Dagen innan det så käkade vi hemmagjorda hamburgare men majskolvar, gottgott! Klockan är 14:20 här nu och vi har varit på tennisträning redan, den var tre timmar lång och jag fick ju inte annat än sitta och titta på eftersom att skolan måste godkänna lite papper och sånt, så jag fick lite soltimmar och blev lite brunare faktiskt! Så det var ju kul.
Ost och bacon bagel fick jag till frukost idag av Brittany!
Jag kanske skriver något senare, men jag vet inte än, beror på vad som händer och hur lång tid det tar, vill inte sitta vid datorn hela tiden. Ha det bra nu!


Skrivet 2012-08-14 Klockan 23:30:45

***I'm sitting on the host family's computer right now so I can't write in swedish but hopefully you can like translate it so that people understand, so mom, tell grandma and grandpa can read this is they want to, they just have to go to google translate and like copy this text and then paste it in the translate box and they will probably get it right!***
Okay, so I was going to school this morning to set my scheduel for school. So when we got there (the school was amazing, and huge! I love it already) we said to the receptionist that we had a meeting at 8 o'clock and she told us that we had been double booked... So that was kind of sad... We got an other time on thursday, 7:15 - early huh? haha - so we are going to set all my classes then instead. So now you know mom! :)

I miss you all back home, take care of each other and we'll talk soon! I'm going to a tennis meeting now, so have a great sleep! <3


Skrivet 2012-08-14 Klockan 18:14:07

Fick mina matchkläder idag! Så här ser dem ut, känner mig elit nu. Men jag kan inte börja träna förrän min fysik är godkänd från skolan typ... Men men, det kan ta upp till två veckor, det beror lite på osv. Men jag är taggad! Dem senaste dagarna har varit lite jobbiga för jagt har varit sjuk osv och jag är fortfarande det, och då har jag haft mycket hemlängtan och sånt men det är bättre nu när jag inte är så sjuk, så det känns gött liksom. Men nu ska vi kolla på Pretty Little Liars, visste ni att det utspelas i Pennsylvania, i staten jag bor i! Awesome!
Två olika vägar; samma namn.. Hmmm..?

I am HERE!

Skrivet 2012-08-13 Klockan 23:25:42

Nu är jag här! Mitt nya liv! Det känns konstigt... Haha

New in

Skrivet 2012-08-08 Klockan 23:50:31

Blev lite shopping igår inför resan! Känns bra. Dock skulle jag ha växlat in pengarna till dollar men så blev det inte riktigt men sånt händer. 
2 dagar kvar. Helt galet känns det nu. Sa hejdå till några tjejkompisar idag, riktigt jobbigt va det när jag såg dem åka iväg... Usch, men så är det. 
BB cream - Sjukt underbar foundation och passar till alla hudfärger, det finns en Light Skin Tone och en Medium Light Skin Tone och som ni ser ovan så använder jag Light. Den är magiskt på ett sätt för när man applicerar  innehållet på huden så är krämen vit men när du blandar ut den i ansiktet så ändrar den färg till sin egen hudton! Hur bra som helst och man behöver inte ta ansiktskräm innan man applicerar den. JAG REKOMENDERAR DEN. 

These last few days...

Skrivet 2012-08-02 Klockan 13:38:17

Nu är man hemma efter ett par dagar fyllda med underhållning. Men snabbt är jag på fot igen. Ska till Bohuslän där en vän har en sommarstuga och blir kvar till lördag. På fredag (imorgon) är det en vecka kvar till jag sitter på flygplatsen påväg till mitt nya liv!

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